Willem Muyldermans

Interieurvormgever en schilder

Ervaren, gepassioneerd, creatief en een echte vakman.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae aliquet arcu. Maecenas tempor posuere quam at condimentum. Cras semper libero et augue convallis pellentesque. Fusce elementum commodo enim non vehicula. Phasellus in laoreet dui, molestie imperdiet mauris. Donec ultrices nec metus vitae scelerisque. Aenean orci purus, sagittis quis adipiscing vel, pellentesque eu felis. Quisque pulvinar felis in diam mattis blandit. Nam varius velit et quam pulvinar scelerisque. Vivamus nibh purus, laoreet vel elit a, ornare consequat enim. Nunc feugiat porttitor lectus, et luctus neque interdum id.

Suspendisse porttitor placerat porttitor. Vivamus semper suscipit varius. Mauris id eros et nibh pharetra semper eget at sapien. Nullam mauris justo, condimentum id enim et, mollis dictum velit. Sed a fermentum orci, vitae fermentum nisi. Curabitur blandit sapien nec enim ullamcorper, at sodales augue fermentum. Nunc ornare, risus quis viverra blandit, metus turpis dictum tortor, et ultrices eros felis at mi. Fusce vel ipsum lectus. Sed tellus nisl, rhoncus vitae tellus id, semper accumsan neque. Integer vitae mauris at lectus tincidunt aliquam.

Interieurvormgeving 80%
Kleuradvies 80%
Schilderen 85%
Decoratieve technieken 95%
  • Sir Cliffords whale has been articulated throughout; so that, like a great chest of drawers, you can open and shut him, in all his bony cavities out his ribs like a gigantic swing all day upon his lower jaw. Locks are to be put upon some of his trap-doors and shutters; and a footman will show round future visitors with a bunch of keys at his side.

    Jane Doe
    Jane, the executive
  • Sir Clifford thinks of charging twopence for a peep at the whispering gallery in the spinal column; threepence to hear the echo in the hollow of his cerebellum; and sixpence for the unrivalled view from his forehead.

    Jackie Doe
    Jackie, the accountant
  • In both cases, the stranded whales to which these two skeletons belonged, were originally claimed by their proprietors upon similar grounds. King Tranquo seizing his because he wanted it; and Sir Clifford, because he was lord of the seignories of those parts.

    John Doe
    John, the thinker